Xavier’s Senior Photos at Pitt's Cathedral of Learning

I recently had the pleasure of photographing Xavier’s senior photo session at the iconic Cathedral of Learning at the University of Pittsburgh, and it was an experience worth sharing. Our journey began through a networking event organized by the talented photographer Michael Anthony, where I had the chance to meet Xavier, a model with a wealth of prior experience and an undeniable charisma.

senior portrait of a young man sitting in a grand chair in the cathedral of learning at Pitt
senior portrait of a young man posing slouched in a grand chair at the pitt cathedral of learning

The Cathedral of Learning, with its Gothic Revival architecture and grandiose interior, provided the perfect backdrop for Xavier’s shoot. The intricate details of the building’s design added a timeless elegance to our photos, complementing Xavier’s poised and confident demeanor.

senior portrait of a young man leaning against a wall
senior portrait of a young man leaning against a wall with his hand on his face, looking off to the left

Xavier, who had already honed his skills in modeling, brought a natural grace to the session. His ability to effortlessly navigate through poses made my job easier and allowed us to capture a series of striking images that reflect both his personality and the majestic setting. Whether standing under the towering arches or framed by the rich textures of the interior, Xavier’s photographs radiate a blend of sophistication and youthful energy.

senior portrait of a young man sitting on steps in the pitt cathedral of learning
senior portrait of a young man on steps with his head resting on his hand staring at the camera
senior portrait of a young man standing on steps looking off to the right

Our session not only highlighted Xavier’s model potential but also demonstrated how a grand setting can elevate a photo shoot. The Cathedral of Learning proved to be more than just a location; it became an integral part of the visual story we aimed to tell. Working with Xavier was a delightful experience, and the resulting photos are a testament to his talent and the stunning environment we had at our disposal. I’m excited to share these images and look forward to seeing where his modeling journey takes him next.

senior portrait of a young man posed on steps, in black and white